One Body | One Spirit | One Hope |
One Lord | One Faith | One Baptism | One God
Eph. 4:4 – 6
Worship | Fellowship | Discipleship
Acts 2:42–47
Confession | Compassion | Commitment
Heb. 10:19–25

Common Ground Connection
at a Glance
Our Vision
The Common Ground Connection (CGC) is a 501 (c) (3), non-profit Christian organization. We are a vibrant discipleship and church planting ministry with the goal of equipping and empowering the next generation disciples for kingdom advancement. This equipping and empowering is done through gospel-focused discipleship, gospel-focused community, and gospel-focused worship.
CGC Mission Statement
Building common ground for the advancement of the kingdom through the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. True salvation leads a person to confess the Lordship of Christ and to act in obedience to the mission of Christ, which is “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10).